Coconut Chocolate Coffee

Everyone has been going on and on about putting coconut oil in their coffee (citing various health benefits), so I knew one day I would eventually give in and try it. Today is that day. Like 95% of the things I make, I don’t plan on making them until about 5 minutes before I start making them. I’m very much a go-where-my-muse-takes-me sort of cook. My muse being my stomach.

When I woke up an hour before my alarm craving coconut and chocolate and strong coffee…I knew I’d lose this battle with my yen. Much to my husband’s chagrin, I started brewing and blending long before we’d planned on arising. Sorry, love. I’ll let you sleep in tomorrow, I promise.

In the meantime, I’m quite enjoying my new dark chocolate and coconut concoction and I hope you will too!

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Coconut Chocolate Coffee

  • 2 cups hot coffee (I brew mine quite strong)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon cream, more to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon turbinado sugar, more to taste
  • 2 squares of very dark chocolate, around 1/3 ounce


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend for about 15-20 seconds. Blending is key, otherwise you’ll get an unattractive oil slick on your coffee. Nobody likes oil slicks ever. The blending incorporates the oil into the coffee and produces a creamy, frothy result.

Pour into your favorite coffee cup and enjoy with your morning.

Makes 2 cups of coconut chocolate coffee.

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